About Us

Hi, it’s nice meeting you, and thank you for coming!

If you’re here, you probably wonder who we are. 

Wonder Where To become an idea in 2020. It was the beginning of COVID and we missed traveling. The strictest restrictions were up and we basically couldn’t go anywhere. The walk to the supermarket was the highlight of our week.

We both love traveling and we’ve done it all our lives, mostly separately and at the time a little bit together. If you’re here, I’m guessing you’re a traveler at heart just like us and you know the feeling of wanderlust. We had it badly then.

So, on the day Wonder Where To was born, we were thinking of exactly that. We realized we both enjoyed writing and we have a lot of stories and experiences to share. And why not share it on our own blog?

When time passed, COVID restrictions were lifted, and we could finally travel. Since then we’ve visited many countries, while working in our 9-5 jobs. 

While we were planning those trips we realized something was missing. You see, when we travel we love to learn about the place, about culture, history, different foods, and attractions the place has to offer. We felt that to get this information we had to go all over the place. There wasn’t any source where we could read a full itinerary to visit a place with an in depth explanation of the place we were about to visit.

That’s when we finally found the direction Wonder Where To had to take. 

Wonder Where To

Wonder Where To is a website where you can find inspiration for the perfect trip for you. You can learn about different places we’ve been to, the food we tried there, our recommendations about the best places to visit, and the culture and history behind it.

You’ll find full itineraries as well as reviews and guides about specific attractions, our best packing and planning tips and tricks, and all the hacks we learned while traveling.

We also want to inspire you to travel even when you can’t hop on a flight. We have a 9-5 job and we understand the struggle, but we believe that travel can be done anywhere, and if you have a free weekend, why not take the car/bus and travel somewhere you haven’t visited yet around you?

If you love to travel and enjoy learning the stories behind the places you’re visiting, or if you’re looking for some travel inspiration, keep on reading.

Why should you listen to us?

I’m Avia, I’m 30 years old and I love to travel, but it’s not the only reason. I’ve been traveling to many places over the years. I was so lucky and got to travel with my family every summer to a different place, and when I got older I went on a solo backpacking trip for 4 months through Southeast Asia. 

And I’m Alec – a 31-year-old that caught the travel bug at a very young age. My first trips were around the neighborhood, but as I got older I developed an unquenchable thirst to travel further afield. I studied in Beijing, volunteered in Japan, and criss-crossed much of Europe together with Avia. 

Since we are together we’ve made an agreement that our birthdays will be celebrated with a trip. With that agreement we got to visit many countries around Europe and states in the USA.

Our plans haven’t changed and we still travel whenever we can. When we travel we thoroughly research every nook and cranny of our destination, we love to read about the places we’re visiting while we’re there so we create an extensive guide for us every time.

After years of traveling we learned a lot about the best packing and planning methods, how to best travel, and about all the destinations we visited. We would love to share it with you and help you go on your travels too.

Hope you’ll find everything you need here, and share with us about your adventures.